Connecticut Saltwater Regulations

Saltwater Regulations of Connecticut

Alewife/Blueback Herring
The taking of anadromous alewife and blueback herring is prohibited from all Connecticut waters, including Long Island Sound.
American Eel
Open year-round, with a minimum length of 9″, and a daily creel limit of 25
American Shad***
***American Shad: all state waters closed, except the Connecticut River System
Open year-round, with no minimum length, and 6 fish per angler in aggregate with hickory shad.
Atlantic Cod
Federal regulations may change at any point during the year, so please check for any updated regulations via this link. The listed regulations below were updated as of 3/3/2024.
May 1 – 31, September 1 – April 30, with a 23″ minimum length, and 5 fish per angler whether fishing recreational or on a party/charter boat.
Atlantic Menhaden (Bunker)
Open year-round, with no minimum length, and 50 fish per angler or 5 gallons (whichever is the greater amount)
Black Sea Bass (Recreational)
May 19 – June 23, and July 8 – December 1, there is a minimum length of 16″ **Excluding tail fin filament (tendril), and a daily creel limit of 5. SEASON CLOSED from June 24 – July 7.
Black Sea Bass (Party/Charter Vessel)
For paying passengers only: 5 fish per angler from May 19 – August 31, 7 fish per angler from September 1 – December 31, minimum length of 16″.
Daily logbook reporting required by Party/Charter Vessel operator for trips taking Black Sea Bass
Blue Crab
No License Required
Prohibition on egg-bearing females
May 1 – November 30, with minimum lengths as follows: Hard-shell 5″ from spike tip to spike tip and Soft-shell 3.5″ from spike tip to spike tip, with no daily creel limit.
Party/Charter Vessel: for paying passengers only – daily creel limit, 5 fish per angler
Open year-round, with no minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 3 (including snappers)
Coastal Shark Species
An Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit is required to take, possess, or land any shark species, other than smooth or spiny dogfish, in this state in either the sport or commercial fisheries. To obtain an HMS permit, visit: or call NMFS Customer Service Center at 1-888-872-8862.
Federal regulations may change at any point during the year, so please check for any updated regulations via this link. The listed regulations below were updated as of 3/3/2024.
Filleting at sea is allowed. Recreational vessels remain subject to the Whaleback Cod Spawning Protection Area.
Open year-round, with an 18″ minimum length, and no daily creel limit.
Hickory Shad
Open year-round, with no minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 6 per angler in aggregate with American shad
Jonah Crab
No License Required
Prohibition on egg-bearing females
Open year-round, with no minimum length, and daily creel limit of 50.
Federal regulations may change at any point during the year, so please check for any updated regulations via this link. The listed regulations below were updated as of 3/3/2024.
Filleting at sea is allowed. Fillets must have some skin left on, and be consistent in size as that taken from legal size fish.
Open year-round, with an 19″ minimum length, and no daily creel limit.
Red Drum (Redfish)
Open year-round, with a 27″ minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 1 fish.
Scup (Porgy)
Boating anglers: fishing is open from May 1 through December 31, with a minimum length of 10.5″ and a daily creel limit of 30 fish.
Shore anglers: fishing is open from May 1 through December 31, with a minimum length of 9.5″ and a daily creel limit of 30 fish. (This includes enhanced opportunity fishing sites.)
Party/Charter Vessel Bonus Season: From May 1 through August 31 and from November 1 through December 31, the minimum length is 10.5″, with a daily creel limit of 30 fish.
From September 1 through October 31, the minimum length is 10.5″, and the daily creel limit is 40 fish.
Smooth and Spiny Dogfish
Open year-round, with no minimum length, and no daily creel limit.
No License Required
Striped Bass
Inline circle hook required when fishing with bait (does not apply to artificial lures).
Open year-round, with a slot limit of 28″ to 31″, meaning any fish less than 28″ or 31″ or greater must be released, with a daily creel limit of 1 fish.
Summer Flounder (Fluke)
Enhanced Opportunity Shore Fishing Sites the Minimum Length is 17 inches.
May 1 – October 9, with a minimum length of 18.5″, and a daily creel limit of 4 fish.
Tautog (Blackfish)
April 1 – April 30, with a 16″ minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 2 fish.
July 1 – August 31, with a 16″ minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 2 fish.
October 10 – November 28, with a 16″ minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 3 fish.
Weakfish (Sea Trout)
Open year-round, with a 16″ minimum length, and a daily creel limit of 1 fish.
White Perch
Open year-round, with a 7″ minimum length, and daily creel limit of 30 fish.
Winter Flounder
April 1 – December 31, with a 12″ minimum length, and daily creel limit of 2 fish.

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